Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that s

My girlfriend, who lives in Florida, is a sweet but shy girl. She's never found anyone who was right for her until she happened upon me. I've never felt anything as strange and amazing as what I feel for her.

She accepts me and loves me for who I am, my personality. Nevertheless, she has an obsession with emo/punk rock and the clothing style that goes along with it. She asked me to grow out my hair, which I have been doing for three months after much hesitation.

She seems to really want me to dress emo, but I really don't want to. I feel it's not who I am. I dress with my own normal jeans, t-shirt, polo casual whatever style. Despite this, I feel that I want to do everything for her at the same time. She thinks the emo/punk look is really attractive and I really want to please her by looking that way. The problem is, I have a hard time talking to her about it because she has a hard time understanding why it's so hard for me to wear different clothes.

What should I do?

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Explain to her that your clothes are a part of your individual identity. By wearing emo clothes, and having an emo haircut, it's not simply a change of appearance. It's a change in how people will perceive you. They'll look at you in a light that is different than how you try to project yourself as.

If she can't see why it's so hard for her to wear different clothes, why does it matter? It it's such a non-issue to her she shouldn't care about it.

Really though, you shouldn't even be growing your hair out like you're doing. If you felt hesitation about it, obviously it's not who you are, or who you want to be. If she wants to dress up someone she needs to buy a doll. You're an individual with your own sense of style, and own outwards appearance.

You shouldn't let someone else dictate how the world is going to see you.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

If you let her call the shots now, you're screwed.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

don't feel obligated too.

if u want to then YOU do it-- don't let anyone change the appearence of yourself.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

dont change who you are, in the end you wont be happy

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Don't change for nobody!!! Be yourself!! IF you have to change yourself for anybody they are totally not worth it!!

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

i am not sure. i don't change for anyone. they should accept me how i already am.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

tell her how you feel. thats the most important thing in relationships, communication.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Find out what you really want from her and whether she will give it to you.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Be yourself. Do what makes you happy. Always remember that girlfriends never "happen upon you".

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

She sounds like me. lol. xD

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Be who you want to be.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

you can still keep you're still and dress a lil emo.

the main ingredient in bein emo is long hair over one eye, and tight pants with a studded belt.

other than that you can just be who you are.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Short but sweet; if someone is trying to change you this early in a realtionship, you will probably have problems further down the road. Why look EMO if you certainly are not? That's the whole basis of that style, to dress/look like you feel. IMO, be up front %26amp; say it's not your thing....

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

continue to be yourself, the original person she became close too.....right....you dressing "normal" isn't a phase,,,her EMO phase on the other hand is.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

if she likes you the way you are then stay that way other wise give her your BALLS so that she can wear them

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

just be who u are gosh emos r soo picky, be with the preps they're more easy to handle if ur ruch and cool and cute

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Well you contradict yourself in saying she loves you for who you are !!!

She obviously doesn't if she wants to change your image.

Are you sure about this relationship !!!! It's very early to ask you to change.........

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

i love that look too, but im sure your gf wouldnt mind your image since she's already dating you.

if you didnt feel comfortable in what yyou were wearing, youd start to feel uncomfortable around her and that wont do teh relationship any good.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

I think you two seem right for each other. If she wants you to dress like an emo, ask her to dress like you would and she'll realize that you both have different looks and that's ok.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

well, dont change if you dont want to. chances are once u change, whats to say she wont lose interest?

be who you want to be, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.


I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

let her know how you really feel don't change your personality if you want to please her its ok to dress like it on certain occasions but not all the time make deals with her have her do something for you and you dress like that in return that way both of you are happy

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Its not bad that she wants to you to change but its bad that you dont want to and she does.

You should tell her how you feel. tell her shes cute with her own style but you dont wanna change.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

wear what you want. quote "She accepts me and loves me for who I am, my personality" unquote if she really accepts you for who you are then she shouldnt be pushing you to do something you dont want to do. she should take you as you are.try and put an example for her try and put her in your shoes with something she doesnt like.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

If she loved you she would understand if you didnt want to dress the way she wants you to dress.

she should just respect the way you dress just like u respect the way she dresses

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Wow thats a biggy but you shouldn't change yourself becasue if she relly likes you. She would'nt force you to change the outter apparence that she fell for you. Talk to her i knw that it will be hard but its worth to say words then just keeping it inside. Talk to her and go back to your old self. If she gets mad at you or has a problem with it you guys then should take a brake.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

well your going to have to talk to her about it. i wear emo/punk style clothes but by my own choice and it is very attractive however if its not you then you need to tell her and let her know that you dont feel comfortable wearing emo/punk style clothes. but be sure to point out that you love her and that you would do anything for her apart from wear emo/ punk style clothes :D

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Explain to her that you like your style and she likes hers. I am assuming that you like her style for her at least. Tell her that, but say that you are not comfortable dressing that way yourself.

She must have been attracted to you for some reason and I bet that is still there. Are most of her friends emo/punk? Maybe that is influencing her thoughts. Maybe she wants you to fit in with her group. Start by talking to her... she might say that your looks aren't that important be it emo or jeans/t-shirt.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Sorry, man, but if she is looking for an emo guy, let her find someone else. That is not who you are, and if she really liked you for you, she wouldn't ask you to change your appearance. If she gets upset when you talk to her about it, that would definitely worry me, because she is not factoring in your feelings on the subject. It's your hair and your style that you are sacrificing, what is she sacrificing? Not that it really matters, that is not who you are. I say you continue being the person that makes you happy. You won't get very far in life if you aren't happy with yourself. Good Luck.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

i understand where she's coming from by seeing it as attractive. but i wouldn't ask someone to change how they dress. if she really cared about you, it wouldn't bother her by how you dress. the way you dress seems totally fine with me. don't let her change you if you don't want to. there are thousands of other girls out there who would like you for just the way you are right now.

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

hello! well all i can say is that im really into the punkk look to but if thats not who you are and if you really dont wanna dress like something your not you just have to tell her! Just be like i love for who you are and your supposed to love me for who i am too and if you can't exept me for who i am then i dont know what to tell you....but if she still doesnt understand of if you dont like my advice then just jump like a lil puppy and do it! lol Wish i could help more~Amber

I have a girlfriend who likes the emo look and I can tell she would really like me to emulate that style.?

Long distance relationships... *tsk tsk*

Anyways, besides that, DON'T start dressing differently for her. When you see her, if it turns her or on or something, slap on some eye shadow before the mcnasty. You should keep your guard up a bit more. You sound Very enamored. But she's in Flordia. And you are where? Somewhere in not-Flordia, im assuming. She likes the look because some dude before you sported it OR because of someone she sees daily, currently. Current. Like today. And you wouldn't know, would you, because you are NOT in Florida. Let chicks pick up on You because then they are guaranteed to be into The Way You Are.

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