Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What will get him to notice?

everyday at lunch i pass by this guy sitting at his table. he's 2 yrs older than me and i dont know his name, (first do i have a chance?) he looks like a younger gerard way. i also see him at the very end of the day after the last bell rings. those are the only 2 times. now how, during these times, do i get him to notice me and in a good way? i've heard answers like "become a "punk"" well i guess im already one sorta, dark clothes, blonde purple and black hair (sounds strange but its cute) and also which side of my personality do i show, the girly or tomboy, dependant or independant, tough or feminin, loud or quiet, outgoing or shy. all these words just describe me, but which ones do i use more of? i do have 2 thoughts #1. accidentally fall near his table just 2 get his attention #2 drop a penny and let it roll under the table, ask him to hand it to me then tell him to stop and ask if its heads or tails and only pick it up if its lucky, those r dum but i dunno

What will get him to notice?

The penny idea is cute, but he may not be the one who ends up having to pick it up. Also, he may be wondering, why on earth does she need it, it's JUST a penny. But guys like outgoing girls, if he likes you, you'll know. Guys will go up to any girl and ask them out, trust me they aren't as shy as they seem, or you think they are lol. But if he's 2 years older than you and you don't even know his name, you dont really have much of a chance. Try talking to him more, be friendly, and stuff like that. You never know, he may end up liking you, and your hair sounds cute.

What will get him to notice?

Throw something at him. He's bound to notice. Thats how I do it; works every time.

What will get him to notice?

i think the penny idea is really creative :}

What will get him to notice?

Hi! No need to worry about changing yourself for any boy. But to give him a lil hint that you like him put your hair over your shoulders. When he looks twoards you give him a little smile and a wink then lightly toss your hair becind your shoulder and get a friend to chatter with quickly, give a LIL wave smile and walk away with your friends.

What will get him to notice?

I think you should act you mood, a mix of it all -

I like the idea of #2, drop a penny and let it roll under the table, ask him to hand it to me then tell him to stop and ask if its heads or tails and only pick it up if its lucky -

I think thats cute =) Let him pick it up anyway, even if you got the heads and tails wrong, coz then the next time you see him, tell him if u had a lucky or unlucky day =] Itll give u something to say - Then everytime you see him after that, smile and say hi =)

Very good luck =]

What will get him to notice?

just be you. its the safest and easiest thing to do. im not trying to sound like sally jessy raphael but the last thing you want to do is to go out of YOUR WAY to impress a guy. to me the chase is the best part. let him chase you. all you got to do really is just flash him a couple of smiles, work your natural charm. and he does the rest. and perfume is also a key, its the "head- tuner". you gotta have a smell he can remember you by.victoria secret has some strong yet delicious smelling scents. try some love spell. get the lotion and put a little on right b4 you walk by, that a way you can get him to turn his head. try it a couple of times, then the rest is up to you. but remember to be yourself. if you were to hook up with the guy, you want him to like you for you not something your trying to portrait. GOOD LUCK!

What will get him to notice?

tough question. but when i like i guy, im just nice to him (not too nice), funny (not trying too hard), and just myself. im kinda a tomboy at times and a girly-girl at others, but when im around guys, im into more tomboy stuff, and show less of my girly ness (but just enough for them to notice). don't be too independt, he'll think you don't need him, don't be too dependt, he'll think that your like a pet he has to take care of 24/7 or something. be loud at times (school sport games, lunch tables etc) but not always yelling and making loud jokes. be more out going than shy, even though a shy girl can be appealing to some guys, most go for the one whose more...outgoing.

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